Football Service Options

Bus Routes

Every year, hundreds of Vols fans use public transit to get to the game and back home. KAT currently offers several options for passengers to enjoy football games at Neyland Stadium in a way that’s safe, easy and affordable. 

KAT’s Passenger Playbook


KAT Passenger Playbook Logo

To help fans get to games using regular bus service, Knoxville Area Transit has created our ‘Passenger Playbook.’ This special playbook includes information on which routes to take before and after the games, times and cost. 

Click on the Passenger Playbook for all the details.

ALL Saturday routes come to Knoxville Station. From there, connect to Route 11, 12, or 15, which will all take you to Cumberland at James Agee, putting you just two blocks from the stadium.

To return home, only Route 11 will pick up at Cumberland at Phillip Fulmer. The last pick-up time is 11:00 p.m., and the last departure of the night for Route 11 leaves Knoxville Station at 11:15 p.m. (Routes 12 and 15 will be on detour).

PLEASE NOTE: When planning your trip home, the last departure times for each route from Knoxville Station vary. To ensure you don’t miss your bus, be sure to check the schedule for your specific route to know when the final trip leaves Knoxville Station each night, and plan accordingly.

Cost of the Rides: Day Passes

For passengers going to Vols games, KAT recommends purchasing a Day Pass:

  • The $2 Day Pass provides unlimited rides all day on all bus routes.
  • A $1 Discounted Day Pass is available for seniors 65 and older and persons with disabilities with proper ID. Visit our fares page for more information on how to qualify for reduced fare.
  • Purchase your Day Passes through our official app, Transit. Download it FREE in your app store today!

PLAN your trip, PAY your fare, SCAN your ticket, plus TRACK your us, all in the Transit app. You can also plan your trip using our Google Trip Planner or call 865-637-3000 for more assistance.

Football Shuttle Service

KAT provides shuttle service to all Saturday University of Tennessee home football games during the regular fall football season. If you need more information, please call 865-637-3000.

Shuttle route services have changed for the 2024 season.

We are no longer running shuttles from Farragut High School.

The Old City shuttle is only operating on the following game days:

  • October 12 (vs Florida)
  • October 19 (vs Alabama)
  • November 2 (vs Kentucky)
  • November 9 (vs MS State)

Shuttle service from the Civic Coliseum and Market Square has not changed.

The pick-up and drop off locations for shuttle locations has not changed. See shuttle route info below.

Football Shuttles will now be cashless.

Football shuttle tickets cost $10 round-trip per person. Shuttle tickets will only be available for purchase through our official app, Transit. Download it FREE in your app store today! For information on how to download and use the Transit app, click HERE.

If you live outside our service area, you may not see the tickets available for purchase in the app until you are closer.

Please note: after you purchase your shuttle tickets, do NOT activate them until just before you board your shuttle on game day.


Home Games in 2024

August 31
September 14
Kent State
October 12
October 19
November 2
November 9
MS State
November 23

Football Shuttle Routes


Civic Coliseum

Fee: $10 round-trip per person.

Additional charge for parking.

Going to the game: Shuttles run continuously beginning 3 hours before kickoff. Tickets must be purchased through the Transit app

Going home from the game: Catch your bus at Walters Life Sciences. Service back to the Civic Coliseum starts at the beginning of the 4th quarter and continues for approximately 60 minutes after the game. Check the destination sign to be sure it reads “51A: Civic Coliseum Shuttle.”


Market Square/ Krutch Park

Fee: $10 round-trip per person.

No charge for parking at State Street or Market Square Garages. Additional charge for parking in other locations.

Going to the game: Shuttles depart from Krutch Park on Clinch Avenue beginning 3 hours prior to kickoff and run continuously until game time. Tickets must be purchased through the Transit app.

Going home from the game: Catch your bus at Walters Life Sciences. Service back to Market Square starts at the beginning of the 4th quarter and continues for approximately 60 minutes after the game. Check the destination sign to be sure it reads “51E: Market Square/ Krutch Park Shuttle.”


Old City

Fee: $10 round-trip per person.

Additional charge for parking may apply.

Going to the game: Shuttles depart from Jackson Ave in front of Barley’s beginning 3 hours prior to kickoff and run continuously until game time. Tickets must be purchased through the Transit app.

Going home from the game: Catch your bus at Walters Life Sciences. Service back to the Old City starts at the beginning of the 4th quarter and continues for approximately 60 minutes after the game. Check the destination sign to be sure it reads “51D: Old City Shuttle.”

Game Day Detours & Delays

Saturday UT Football Home Game Detours

On Saturdays when UT has a home football game, the routes* listed below are scheduled to go on detour at the end of each football game. EXACT TIMING IS TO BE DETERMINED based on the scheduled game time, how long the game lasts, when Knoxville Police Department closes down roads, and game day traffic.

Route 12: Western Avenue

  • Outbound: From Knoxville Station, left on Church, left on Hall of Fame, left on Fifth, left on University into Middlebrook to regular Route at Food City
  • Inbound: From Western at Food City, left on University, right on Fifth, right on Hall of Fame into Knoxville Station
  • Stops affected: ALL Downtown stops, ALL STOPS on Cumberland, ALL STOPS on 17th

Route 15: Woodland Crosstown

  • Outbound: From Knoxville Station, left on Church, left on Hall of Fame, left on Fifth, left on University into Middlebrook to regular Route at Food City
  • Inbound: From Western at Food City, left on University, right on Fifth, right on Hall of Fame into Knoxville Station
  • Stops affected: ALL Downtown stops, ALL STOPS on Cumberland, ALL STOPS on 17th

Route 42: Fort Sanders/ UT Med Centers

  • Outbound: From Church, left on Locust, right on Cumberland to regular route
  • Inbound: From Cumberland, continue straight into Main, left on State, right on Church into Knoxville Station
  • Stops Affected: ALL STOPS on Clinch, ALL STOPS on 22nd, Church EB @ Walnut (inbound)
  • Clinch Ave and Ft Sanders Med Center passengers should catch bus on Cumberland.

    *Other routes may be affected if KPD shuts down additional roads.

    It is possible these detours may begin earlier if KPD needs to shut down roads due to traffic or other safety concerns. This is especially likely on rivalry game days.

    Game Day Delays

    Please expect delays due to game day traffic on our fixed route service, especially on Route 1: Downtown ConnectorRoute 20: Central/ Clinton Hwy, and the routes that travel along Cumberland Avenue; Route 11: Sutherland/Kingston Pike, Route 12: Western Avenue, and Route 15: Woodland Crosstown. We recommend you plan ahead and leave early for your destination. We also recommend you download our free app, Transit, to track your bus in real time.

    For any questions, please call 865-637-3000.

    Download Transit

    KAT’s (Free!) Official App

    Google Play and Apple App Store are trademarked by their respective owners.
    301 Church Avenue
    Knoxville, TN 37915

    General Office: 865-215-7800

    Office hours: Monday - Friday
    8:30 am - 4:30 pm

    Download Transit

    KAT’s (Free!) Official App

    Google Play and Apple App Store are trademarked by their respective owners.
    301 Church Avenue
    Knoxville, TN 37915

    General Office: 865-215-7800

    Office hours: Monday - Friday
    8:30 am - 4:30 pm