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Knoxville celebrates Transit Driver Appreciation Day

Knoxville, TN. Mayor Madeline Rogero will be joined by State Representative Rick Staples in celebrating our city’s unsung transportation heroes with Transit Driver Appreciation Day on Friday, March 16th. At 1:00 p.m. at Knoxville Station’s Essie Johnson Community Room, Mayor Rogero will present a proclamation officially recognizing the day. In addition, Representative Staples will be recognizing bus operators as well as KAT’s national Outstanding Transit System Award through a state proclamation.

“Our friendly and professional bus operators have a huge impact in the community,” says Dawn Distler, Director of Transit for the City of Knoxville. “Our passengers rely on them to get to work, school and shopping, and our city relies on transit operators to keep our economy and workforce moving, reduce congestion and improve our quality of life.”

The positive impact of transit to a community cannot be understated, as it is estimated that every one dollar invested in transit yields a four-dollar economic return. Transit as a transportation option can save a household upwards of $10,000 annually.*

Beyond the economic benefits of transit, the impact that bus operators have within the community is also immeasurable. As Distler states, “Bus operators, in addition to safe operation of the vehicle, also act as counselors, listeners, and friends to their passengers. When not behind the wheel, you can find them coaching sports teams and volunteering their time. I am honored to work with them.”

KAT will be providing passengers with “thank you” postcards and encouraging them to give one to a favorite bus operator or two, and also to take “safe selfies” with operators and post them to KAT’s Facebook page.

For more information on Transit Driver Appreciation Day, visit KAT’s Facebook page at

*Source: American Public Transportation Association

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Knoxville, TN 37915

General Office: 865-215-7800

Office hours: Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 4:30 pm

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Google Play and Apple App Store are trademarked by their respective owners.
301 Church Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37915

General Office: 865-215-7800

Office hours: Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 4:30 pm