Route 23: Millertown

Bus Routes

Route Info

Weekday Schedule

Scroll to view complete schedule tables.

Going away from downtown

Going away from downtown

Going away from downtown

Going away from downtown

Going toward downtown

Going toward downtown

Going toward downtown

Going toward downtown

Knoxville Station Bay L
Winona after 5th (O'Connor Senior Center)
Sixth before McCroskey (Broadway Towers)
Sixth before Cecil (Broadway Towers)
Winona before 5th (O'Connor Senior Center)
Knoxville Station Bay D
Knoxville Station Bay L
Winona after 5th (O'Connor Senior Center)
Sixth before McCroskey (Broadway Towers)
Sixth before Cecil (Broadway Towers)
Winona before 5th (O'Connor Senior Center)
Knoxville Station Bay D
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Snow Route

Does not service Broadway Towers.

Severe Snow Routes

If weather conditions become severe, KAT may begin running on Severe Snow Routes. When this happens, service will ONLY be provided on the major corridors of Knoxville. This includes: Route 11: Sutherland/Kingston Pike (to Walker Springs), Route 12: Western Avenue (to I-640 Plaza), Route 22: Broadway (to Essary)Route 31: Magnolia Avenue (to Burns), and Route 41: Chapman Highway (to Walmart).

During Severe Snow Routes, all passengers ride free, but please note: KAT can return to Snow Routes before a passenger’s return trip and the passenger will be required to pay regular fare for that portion of the trip.

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KAT’s (Free!) Official App

Google Play and Apple App Store are trademarked by their respective owners.
301 Church Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37915

General Office: 865-215-7800

Office hours: Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Download Transit

KAT’s (Free!) Official App

Google Play and Apple App Store are trademarked by their respective owners.
301 Church Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37915

General Office: 865-215-7800

Office hours: Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 4:30 pm