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Knoxville Area Transit GTFS Data

About KAT Quick Links


Every now and then, we get requests from developers who would like to use our public transit data in applications they work on. If you’re one of them, we welcome you: This page is for you!

Our transit data is available in the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS). This dataset includes schedule data for all fixed routes and trolley routes of Knoxville Area Transit (KAT).

Our GTFS data is hosted by the City of Knoxville, and it is updated when routes change. You can download and use this data free of charge. Click here to be redirected to this source.

To learn more about GTFS in general, please visit Google’s dedicated page. To report any inconsistencies, or if you have any questions or comments about it, please send an email to

For other questions, we encourage you to visit our FAQ’s section.

Happy Developing!

Data Applications

These are some of the apps that have been developed with this data:



What is GTFS?

GTFS is the acronym of General Transit Feed Specification, a feed that allows transit agencies like KAT to publish their data for developers to use when they write applications. For more information on this, please visit Google’s dedicated page.

What’s included in KAT’s GFTS feed?
Currently, our feed includes data for all of our fixed and trolley routes. Paratransit information is not part of this data at this time.
How often is the KAT’s GTFS updated?

We update our GTFS data every time our routes undergo changes, which is around 3 times annually. To receive updated data, please email

How can I have access to KAT’s GTFS data feed?

Our GTFS data is hosted by the City of Knoxville. To download this feed, please click here.

I believe there’s an error in the data. How can I let KAT know about this?

We can always use an extra set of eyes! Please feel free to send an email to to report any error or inconsistency you might find in our GTFS data.

How much does it cost to use this data?

You can use our GTFS data free of charge.

Can I sell this data to other developers?
No, you cannot. However, you can download our data for free and use it in applications you sell later for a profit.
I have more questions. Who can I contact?

For further questions or comments about KAT’s GTFS data feed, please send an email to

Download Transit

KAT’s (Free!) Official App

Google Play and Apple App Store are trademarked by their respective owners.
301 Church Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37915

General Office: 865-215-7800

Office hours: Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Download Transit

KAT’s (Free!) Official App

Google Play and Apple App Store are trademarked by their respective owners.
301 Church Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37915

General Office: 865-215-7800

Office hours: Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 4:30 pm